Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

4 months

Elliott turned 4 months old last week. This brought on a lot of new things! We've really been working with her during "tummy time," (which she hates, by the way) to try to get her to roll over. She could hold her head at a 90 degree angle, but before she would attempt to roll over, she'd get frustrated and lay her head down and cry! It's so sad, but I know it's important for building her muscles so I torture her daily! It all paid off! She rolled over on Monday night . . . and I caught it all on video! She rolled from her belly to her back twice. It is so funny how excited Kyle and I are on the video. You'd think she just jumped up and started walking . . . which I'm sure will bring about a similar reaction in a few months!

We also started Ellie on cereal last Friday. We didn't have her 4 month appointment until yesterday, but we just felt like she was ready to start solids. She holds her head up great, she's been sitting well in her highchair for weeks, she watches us eat with interest and sticks her tongue out and drools, and she has loved tasting some fruits and vegetables that we've been eating. Dr. Moore agreed that she was ready and told us we could start with some fruits and vegetables, too! So, we began with sweet potatoes. I really want Ellie to like vegetables since I don't really like them at all! She has eaten them really well 2 out of the 3 times I've given them to her so far! I think she's going to be a good eater!

She had to get shots yesterday, but handled them well. She only cried for a few seconds. It was this morning that she was a little fussy and had a little fever. She's so good though! I gave her a little grape Tylenol and she was good to go!

She weighed 15 pounds 7 ounces (81st percentile) and was 24 inches long (27th percentile). I think we've got a shorty on our hands! She's eating 6 ounces at a time 5-6 times a day and of course we've just added solids. She is still sleeping about 10 hours a night and still taking several naps during the day. She loves all of her toys . . . her Bumbo chair, her bouncy seat, and her exersaucers. She still loves to look at books and watch TV from her swing. She LOVES to smile, laugh, and interact with us. She also loves to make noise of any kind! She's not really into her pacifier except when she's sleepy. She likes to have it when she is ready for a nap. She's great about being on the go! Since I'm staying home with her, we generally hang around the house a couple of days a week. Anymore than that and I feel like I may go crazy! She visited Bricktown and the State Fair of Oklahoma this past week.

I'm sure I will say this with each passing month, but it just continues to get more fun! We are having a blast with her! Having Ellie makes everything more fun . . . I'm so excited about Halloween and the upcoming holidays. I've already started Christmas shopping!

Here are several pictures from the past few weeks:

She is officially obsessed with her feet!

She hasn't been quite as lucky for the
Dallas Cowboys, but she sure does look cute!

In these next two she's thinking,
"If only I could roll over, I wouldn't have to
do this tummy time stuff anymore."

Kyle's grandparents visited from New Mexico last weekend.
It was their first time to meet Elliott.
Aunt Des, Ma, Grandma Rita, Ellie, Mom,
Sadie, and Haven
Elliott with her great grandparents,
Pa Bill and Ma

Playing in one of her many jumpers/bouncers/exersaucers.

First cereal

First baby food

Whew! And just think . . . in this post, I only used about 1% of the
pictures I've actually taken over the past 3 weeks!
Poor Ellie . . .

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