Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ellie at 1 year!

I'm a little behind with this post, but we've been so busy lately! Ellie had her 12 month appointment on May 17th. Dr. Moore said everything looks great! Her iron was a little low and since we're switching over to cow's milk we've started her on vitamin drops. She had 2 shots and had her finger stuck for the hemoglobin test. She didn't even cry when the nurse stuck her finger! She's a pretty tough little girl. Here is what Ellie is up to at 12 months:

-She weighed 20 lbs. 13.5 oz. (50th percentile- down from 95th at birth) and was 28 inches long (around the 25th percentile). She only gained 1 inch in height from her 6 month - 12 month appointment. I think we've got a shorty on our hands!

-She wears size 12 months clothing, size 4 diapers, and size 3 shoes.

-She points at everything: food she wants, the neon lights in the gameroom, Kyle's fish that is mounted in the gameroom, outside, etc. When she points and waves to the fish she says, "-ish." And when she points outside she says, "side."

-In addition to bellybutton, toes, and nose, she can point out her ears, eyes, and head. She also says, "eyes."

-She loves bracelets, necklaces, shoes, and purses, and also dirt, rocks, and playing outside.

-She will empty out my purse in 2 seconds flat, no matter where we are. She has also started going through random purses that are down on her level. I'm worried we're going to end up with someone's keys or wallet one of these days!

-She loves to eat! She really loves all types of fruit, applesauce, graham crackers, macaroni and cheese, tortillas, cheese, and beans.

-She likes books and has started to bring them to me to read to her. She really likes books that have different textures, flaps, and other things she can play with and move.

-She loves her baby doll she got for her birthday. She rocks her, pats her, kisses and hugs her. She also likes to bounce her and share her drink with her.

-She started shrugging her shoulders all the time. When we ask her something and she doesn't know the answer or if she hears Kyle or me say the words "I don't know," she puts her hands palm up and shrugs her shoulders. It's so cute!

-I've been taking her places to be around other kids her age. We've been to Gymboree, the pool, and we went to the baby storytime twice this week at the library. She's really enjoying the library once she warms up a little bit. She is still a little shy and holds on to me for dear life, but I think she'll start to loosen up as we go back each week.

I'm so proud of the toddler Ellie is becoming. She's such an awesome baby. We can take her anywhere and do anything with her. She just hangs with us no matter what!

Swimming and playing in the sprinklers with Jasmine, Jaiden, and Jett.

Playing at the lego table at the library. (She's trying to share her blocks.)

She wore herself out this day. She fell asleep while eating dinner.

Ellie and her baby doll.

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