Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ellie at 14 months

I figure now that we're through the first year, I don't have to do montly updates, but I don't want too much time to go by without posting some fun facts about Ellie. Here is what she is up to at 14 months:

-You weigh about 22 pounds. You haven't grown much lately in any area. You still wear 12 month clothing and size 3 shoes. Your weight has hovered around the 22 pound mark for the past few months.

-Foods you like to eat: any kind of fruit, especially strawberries, blueberries, and grapes, eggs dipped in ketchup, macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-a, tortillas dipped in queso, waffles dipped in peanut butter, (you LOVE dipping and you are so cute when you do it!), turkey sausage, french fries, graham crackers, goldfish, nutra grain bars, any kind of pasta, juice, regular milk (only in cups, no more bottles!)

-Words you can say: uh-oh, dog, fish, hey, ice, no, yes, eyes, light, cheese, momma, dada, hat, head, ears, hair, (ears and hair are words that only I understand), baby (your newest word), this (sounds like "deeees") and that (sounds like "dat"), hot (this word can only be whispered), and shoes (your favorite)

Cute story: I am curious about what you will call your pacifier. We just call it a pacifier, and of course you can't say that yet. The other day I pointed out some things you could say and had you name them (light, dog, eyes) and then I pointed to your pacifier. You concentrated really hard for a second and them you shrugged your shoulders as if to say, "I don't know how to say pacifier yet. Geez mom, I'm only 1!"

-Things you like to do: point at EVERYONE'S shoes and say "shoes?", throw things on the ground and say "uh-oh", give eskimo kisses, flip the light switches, play the music from your toys on the fridge and dance, "say" your ABCs (sounds like c, c, c, c, etc. but mostly to the beat of the actual ABC song), swing on your swingset, play tea party, spin in circles, read books, play puzzles, dump the dog food out of the bowls, eat the dog food (when will this ever stop??), walk around in the backyard, wear bracelets and shoes, get on the couch/recliner and get down by yourself, drink out of straws, name and point to body parts, make animal sounds (you can do cow, horse, monkey, and dog)

-Your schedule: You usually go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. and wake up between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. If you wake up between 6:30 and 7:30, I'll bring you to bed with me and you'll usually sleep another 2-3 hours. It's nice for both of us! I enjoy you sleeping in with me in the mornings (or with dad and me on the weekends), but my rule is that you only get in our bed after 6 a.m.! Although, I worry more about myself getting into the bad habit more than I worry about you. You love your bed. You are now taking just one nap a day, but it's usually a long one (2 hours on average) unless you get up unusually early. Then you may take 2.

You are so much fun! You are the sweetest baby; so laid back and easygoing, you love to give sweet hugs and kisses. You're sweet to the dogs, giving them hugs and just laying your head on them anytime they're around. You crack me up all day long and I'm just so happy that I get to stay home with you and see each and every new discovery you make. I love you my sweet Ellie Rose!



Being silly!

Feeding yourself oatmeal

Falling asleep between bites of your dinner

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