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Monday, October 8, 2012

Jackson at 1 month

Jackson is actually 6 weeks now, but at his one month checkup he looked great! 
His stats:

Weight:  10 pounds 11 ounces - 65th % (I think this is wrong, but that's what they said)
Length: 21 3/4 inches - 53rd %
Head: ? Can't remember the measurement, but it was 70th %

Just when I think we're getting into a routine with eating or sleeping, Jackson will change his mind.  Last week he slept 6 hours straight at night for 3 nights.  On the 4th night I went to bed thinking I was going to get a good 6 hours of sleep only to be woken up 3 hours later and then 3 hours after that.  So, at this point, he ranges from 2 1/2 hours to 6 hours at night.  He doesn't sleep often during the day, but most of the time it's not his fault.  His sister likes to wake him up on purpose.  If he's sleeping and I look around and don't see Ellie, I can always find her in his room standing on the side of the crib and talking very loudly!  Then she'll say, "Is he awake? I woke him up."  Poor guy.

As far as eating, this kid does it constantly!  I can't believe how often he nurses.  He does tend to fall asleep while eating sometimes, but even when I think he should be full and happy for a good while, he'll be ready to eat again in an hour.  I feel like that's all I do.  I also don't think he'll be as easy to transition to the bottle as Ellie was.  He'll take a bottle now, but when he is sleepy or fussy, he has to nurse to fall asleep.  I know they say you can't spoil an infant with nursing, but I beg to differ.

He is starting to smile a lot now, which is so much fun!  He also loves to look around the room and check out his surroundings.  He seems to like car rides.  He'll be crying when we get in the car, but as soon as we start driving he'll calm down and usually fall asleep.  He also likes to be swaddled when he goes down for the night.  Once we swaddle him and feed him, he knows it's time for bed.

At his last appointment, Dr. Moore gave us a perscription for an antacid to help with his acid reflux.  It does seem to be helping.  At least he's sleeping better.  Whatever it is, I'm grateful!  Between him not sleeping, Ellie being sick with a stomach bug and allergies, myself getting mastitis 2 weeks ago, and Kyle being extremely sore from a car accident he was in (I'll post the pics of his car . . . he'd only had it for one month), it has been an exhausting month.  Hopefully, better times are ahead.

Here's Jackson at 1 month.
I think he looks like my baby pictures here.

 Touchdown!  The funny thing is that he actually did this when we scored a touchdown.  Everyone yelled and it scared him so he threw his hands up like this!
 First trip to the zoo.  The weather was beautiful last Tuesday, so we took him and Ellie to the zoo.  It was perfect!  There was hardly anyone there.  We had a great time!

 So sweet
 Nana and Jackson
Happy 1 month Jackson!  We love you so much!

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